Carmen O'Conner - “Emotionally Intuitive and Flawlessly Efficient”

“Emotionally Intuitive and Flawlessly Efficient” .. we are so proud to introduce you to our lovely “admin guru” Carmen O’Connor

“When I first found out I was going to be a mother, over 5 years ago, my world completely changed. Up until that point, I had been trying to work out what my “why” was, scrambling in different careers to make sense of how to use my God-given strengths to help others. I soon realised that I now not only needed to do something that I loved, but something that would provide for the little person who was about to enter my world. I started thinking back on my life and what had really given me that “spark” every day, and thought blissfully to my early days of studying when I worked part time as a personal assistant for a high-powered business woman. The excitement I got from helping someone else organise their world and put systems in place that would help them thrive sparked the idea that maybe I could do that again, in my own time, in my own way. In that moment, my business was born.

More so than being a business owner, becoming a mother was one of the most beautiful yet challenging things I have ever experienced. In the last year, in particular, the juggle to love and raise my children by giving them undivided attention and love all the while keeping my business afloat to provide for them really began to overwhelm me. I was consumed with guilt that I wasn’t there for them full-time, yet also had a burning desire to build the very special business I had built in order to give my children the very best. The stress, exhaustion and relentlessness of it all was catching up with me quickly, and I knew I had to do something. I couldn’t have signed up for the Strongest Story course at a better time! Not only was I reminded of the value that I have as a woman of God, but that I actually had a significant role to play in my children’s lives and those of my clients. I felt affirmed that I have, in fact, been using my strengths in the very best way – that my God-given strengths of organisation and order are being fully celebrated through my business and my role as a mother. I certainly have not figured it all out, and I am a long way off from getting the juggle right, but knowing that I am on the right path has encouraged me to be the lead character in my own story – and that has been one of the most precious gifts I could have been given.”

Chantale Rissik - “Charmingly Curious and Thoughtfully Playful”

“Charmingly Curious and Thoughtfully Playful” - it is with exceptional joy that we introduce you to one of the most talented artists and loveliest human beings that we have had the pleasure of working with - Please meet our friend Chantale Rissik.

"Plagued with self-doubt & a fear-of-failure for as long as I can remember, I became an expert at concealing any parts of myself that might be exposed to judgement or criticism. Being a mother gave me the necessary distraction from facing my flaws & was the perfect playground to skirt around my insecurities. I hid behind the game called “busyness”, allowing guilt & indecisiveness to press a very definite “pause” on my personal growth as a woman. 

Sprinkled somewhere inside the rollercoaster ride of early motherhood, I was still able to sneak in moments to pursue my passion: “painting the beautiful things I noticed all around me”. This private joy soon gave way to profound anxiety if anyone asked to see my artwork. I would hide my canvasses, turning them to face the wall so they couldn’t be judged & rejected. 

Fast forward two decades (& many paintings later), my children had grown up beautifully, but yet I had still not outgrown my fears. It was then that I realised this fear-of-failure was going to stifle me, & I had no more excuses left. I simply had to find ways to grow again. 

The first thing I did was join @trail_angels Trail Angels & start mountain biking. This extreme sport is by far the most physically challenging thing I have ever done, but even after a few falls I am loving the liberty of being on the mountain defying the fear of gravity! 

The next thing I did was join the @strongeststory @LivingYourStrongestStory Strongest Story course to find direction & start pinpointing my “purpose”. This was the most mentally challenging thing I have done, but as my mind has been stretched & my strengths sharpened, I have come full circle back to the very thing I am most passionate about – my painting.

I have always loved painting the vibrancy, colour & movement I see in the children of our South African communities. The use of bright coloured paint, uplifting strokes & layered textures has evoked such positive emotions in me as the artist. But what I am now understanding is that my art is about something much bigger than me. This gift of creativity I discovered within myself is a way of evoking happiness & gratitude in those who witness my work. I get to transport these little people & their precious personalities to others via canvas – to open up the viewers world to empathy & the wonder of humanity in all of its joyful complexity. 

I still break out in a sweat when I show my art & am exposed to possible criticism, but with Debs & JacQs’ encouragement I am working at setting my insecurities aside. I am no longer where I was a few years ago. I am growing braver, I am finding my confidence, and I am able to breathe again. I am enjoying this 'sometimes scary' but ‘certainly stronger’ chapter in the colourful story that is my life."

Helen Cyster - "Golden Heart of Resilience"

With a golden heart of resilience, she carries a buoyant beauty; and as hard as life gets - and as many knocks as she endures - she never gives up! We are honoured to introduce you to Helen Cyster. Helen Cyster 

“My journey as a diabetes specialist nurse started 13 years ago.

I was immediately intrigued by this very dangerous progressive condition described by some as a “little sugar”.

Diabetes is a pandemic first and just like COVID so many are filled with fear - and rightfully so.

My function is to help my patients reframe and retrain their brain, and in so doing to manage themselves and subsequently manage their diabetes. 

It is a humbling experience being allowed into peoples lives and the patients all become my family.

The important aspect of my care is to HEAR my patient. Studies have shown patients do better with structured education and this is my passion and calling. 
My natural internal compass directs me to EDUCATION.
I surrender now to who I am and it is so ok to be excellent at what I do. 

STRONGEST STORY gave me tools to stay buoyant; as I care empathically and simultaneously take responsibility for my boundaries.”

Nikki Kemp - "Joy Activist"

Engendering enthusiasm and providing confidence to all of us @strongeststory; we are so proud to introduce you to a remarkable young woman whose honest, heartfelt words need to be heard This is Nikki Kemp @nikki.kemp.35

“For many, many years of my life, I tried to portray a false persona as I hated the skin I was in and desperately wanted to just fit in. 

Having being diagnosed with cerebral palsy at just 8 months old, I could never accept that I was different. It was only when I surrendered to the process and allowed God to show me how HE sees me that I was able to begin to walk in true acceptance. 

I've always been fairly sporty and so in 2019 when I developed a newfound love of running, God was able to use that to enhance HIS bigger purpose for me. 
This year I was blessed to be able to attend the Strongest Story Course hosted by two dynamic women Debs & Jacqs (and let me tell you it was eye-opening and a complete game-changer for me.) The warmth and enthusiasm that both Debs & Jacqs showed throughout the course was infectious and for me their content solidified what God had already began in my life, only I now knew that my newfound passion for running had a purpose. 

I am a firm believer in giving back and using your passion to make a difference in the lives of others … so I try and use my running to do just that! By creating awareness of the importance of inclusion and raising funds for a charity that I am actively involved in and one that is very close to my heart, The Chaeli Campaign and their sister NGO whom I run for, The Chaeli Sports and Recreation Club.

My aim is to inspire others to take ownership of their true God-given purpose and pursue what truly makes them happy!”

Vaughneen Wilson - "Poetic Photographer"

We are genuinely excited to introduce you to a woman who brings creative anticipation, innovative imagination and a tremendous amount of energy to her poetic photography - which we know will ultimately lead to revolutionary changes! 

This is the very talented Vaughn Wilson @vaughneen.wilson

“Totally in love with my Mother City, I’m an upbeat Capetonian with Irish roots and so grateful to now be living with the fairies, in the middle of the IrishSea. I strongly believe in the benevolent forces of Nature, that there is Good to harness and lessons to be learnt from almost every encounter - especially when the universe chucks a ‘moerse’ curveball  and challenges us with Adversity; I mean sweeping the World Carpet from under our feet like that!?  

Right from those early fledgling years, my world was sporadically inflicted with trauma, anxiety and fear; a negatively charged undercurrent of foreboding. Then in 2018, I had a pivotal turning point in perspective; that perceptual wake-up-call when I realised how many life choices and decisions had been obscurely influenced and infiltrated by what I thought others expected of me.

It’s a given that we will never make everyone happy. So, I decided to stop the show and no longer pander to people-please at the expense of my own needs just to win acceptance & approval. Instead, I dared to be Me, embraced authenticity and my passions by honouring what I truly value. I empathise and feel deeply with others, especially those going through emotional strife or overwhelm. Helping people see the silver linings and projecting love and light by sharing my experience became a Purpose, as I so wanted to evoke positive emotions, uplift spirits and promote a sense of well-being. Ultimately, we all want to be HAPPY and we all have a great propensity for that feel-good emotion!  So I tuned in with what turns me on, suits me best, lights me up and truly warms my heart. I strategically severed from negativity and aligned myself with ALL that makes Me feel alive! 

And so it was that my Instagram profile evolved from a place of soul-searching into a weave of creative expression, an avid interest in Psychology, Nature, quirky anecdotes, candid communication, sensory delights and too many simple pleasures – all encapsulating the profound Beauty and Magic that abound.

Thanks to Strongest Story for their unwavering support and altruistic vision. Their inspiring online course was so insightful and spot-on-target Jacqui and Debs are remarkably motivational & dynamic, yet down-to-earth and so supportive of WOMEN… encouraging us to identify our purpose, stand in our Truth, play to Unique strengths and live our Strongest Story. ”

Mokgaetsi Sebothoma - “Courageously confident with a strong inner compass”

“Courageously confident with a strong inner compass” .. it is with gratitude that we introduce you to Mokgaetsi Sebothoma.

“I am an attorney and after building a successful 20 yr long career as a legal professional and rising to the top of the organisation, I felt there was more to life than just having a career and raising a family. It wasn’t until I started facilitating a few redemption programs in our church, that I discovered I enjoy helping people overcome challenging circumstances in their lives, start pursuing what they really want and achieve their desired outcomes. Through this process, I realised my passion for coaching and mentoring.

This was further confirmed when I attended a Strongest Story workshop that clarified which area I could specialise in based on talents, gifts, skills and strengths that I already possess. This has allowed me to chart a new path for myself as a High Performance and Leadership Mentor. I founded Divinity Global Group and have now stepped into the role of CEO on a full-time basis. My company aims to build leaders who build dynamic and collaborative teams for peak performance and high impact through a program; “Thinking Into Results for Leaders”. We each run our lives based on an internal “mental program” that needs either to be uninstalled and a new one installed, or the existing one upgraded on an ongoing basis, in order to achieve the results that we dream of.

In addition to this formal role, I look for everyday opportunities to help others prosper and excel. In May last year I initiated sessions on Sundays with a group of leaders to teach them how to use the most incredible mechanism that they have at their disposal - their mind - and how to awaken their personal power. This has them realizing goals and dreams which they never thought possible in a short space of time. I was recently referred to as “that lady that pulled us out of the ‘2020 Winters’ ”. It is a real privilege to be able to transform people’s lives in a meaningful way. I am immensely grateful to this dynamic duo, Deborah and Jacqui of Strongest Story, for helping me with the first steps on this exciting journey I have embarked.”

One of Mingi's favourite quotes is "Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence." - Sheryl Sandberg Sheryl Sandberg

Sandy Reid - “A Story of Hope"

"Each year I ask God for a word for the year.
In 2020 the word was ‘re-potting’.

I had hoped it was re-potting of my flowers in the garden🪴, but instead it was a re-potting of my roots in my personal life.
2020 started with the COVID pandemic. During lockdown my precious mother passed away. With this came so much pain & guilt of not being with her at the time of her death - & my father, siblings & I having to walk a very lonely road of mourning on our own.
Within a few months my father also passed away.
By the end of the year my roots felt exposed & vulnerable.
2021 started with the news of my husband’s retrenchment & soon thereafter more challenging news of a restructure of the NPO where I worked.
God gave me the scripture “See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up, do you not perceive it. I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19).
I held tightly onto that as my roots were needing some good nourishment.

When I heard about the Strongest Story course, I knew I had to do it. Jacqs & Debs shared a story of the dry & barren 'Death Valley' in California where it very rarely rains. They told the story of how one year a hurricane hit & the next year Death Valley came alive with flowers.
All those years the seeds were dormant in the soil just needing the right climate to bloom. It took an unpleasant hurricane for the most beautiful flowers to bloom.

During the course, as we looked at our own story, our passions, strengths, weaknesses, & purpose, I began a healing journey allowing myself to see new possibilities.
I realized that what I do really does count - & more importantly - I count.
Jacqs & Debs recommended a daily devotion, "100 days to Brave" What an exciting journey I have had reading this!

God started doing a new thing. Out of so much pain deep in the soil of my soul there were seedlings of hope & as the healing came, flowers of joy have started blooming.
I am so excited for the season of spring".🌷

Liza Caryer - “Nourishing hearts & lives"

"Having immersed myself in motherhood for many years, I found myself not only ‘out of the market’, but also ‘out of confidence’. It’s the challenging place many women find themselves in as their children begin to spread their wings and step out on their own journeys.

Often you’ve put your career aside to nurture your kids and finding your way back into a meaningful work life can be quite a challenge. I found myself filled with doubt and uncertainty wondering how I was going to ‘re-invent’ myself?

Covid has brought much sadness, anxiety and uncertainty, but it also brought perspective. For this - and to The Strongest Story Course - I say thank you for reminding me of who I am and my most natural strengths.

I realised afresh that I am indeed an influencer with a passion for creating new things, striving for excellence and challenging people to move out their comfort zones.

With this realization came the courage to once gain set my entrepreneurial spirit free!

Enjoying a new found confidence, I helped birth HORTICULTURE HUB, an online business to business market place for the horticulture industry.

When we founded the business we committed to leaving the world a better place than we found it and contribute a fixed percentage of all our purchases towards horticultural projects in disadvantaged areas. Lavender Hill is one such project where we’re involved in community vegetable gardens and beautification of the area.

In addition to this I have the privilege of being able to link needs in the community with available resources and use my business influence to facilitate the process.

I’m so thankful for the incredible time I got to spend with my girls over the years, I’ve always encouraged them to believe in themselves and this was one of my toughest motherhood tests – learning once again to believe in myself and ‘to walk the talk!’

Hopefully watching their mom step out, engage with a world in need and give it my best shot at making a positive difference in the lives around me, will give them the courage to do the same!

For the past few weeks I’ve sensed such a hopelessness amongst people and I feel so compelled to encourage people never to lose Hope. I feel eternally grateful for new opportunities, new learning and a new fresh day, filled with Hope. I encourage you to be brave, be strong, be fearless! Opportunities multiply as they are seized!"

PS. Thank you Debs & Jacqs for the incredible gift you’ve given me, the Strongest Story course and your authenticity presenting it changed my life forever!

Click on the links below to see the wonderfully inspiring work that Lisa is involved in:

Follow the amazing work of @HorticulureHub on:




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Earth Artist

The Tehillah Diaries

Thandie Sibozo - “overcoming obstacles & rising up!”

"I smile when I think that growing up I always wanted to become an astronomer. But God had other plans for my life.
In 2014 I was first introduced to a community project which focused on gender based violence - this was where I first developed the love for community development.
I found the project fascinating & such an eye-opener!
I suddenly knew this was my passion - helping women make informed decisions about their lifestyles.
The project was a huge success & we were able to rescue many women who were victims of GBV.

In 2016 I joined an organization called Iliso Care Society situated in Khayelitsha.
Since then I’ve worked on all sorts of different programs helping the community. Presenting to tourists & different departments has been one of the skills I’ve gained & I love it! With this has come a new self-confidence, & even now I can see myself presenting programs on a National level.
I’ve had to learn to be flexible & multi-task.
At times I get overwhelmed by the load of work, but
I’m self-motivated & determined to change people’s lives ,create job opportunities, provide meals to families in need; as well as offer psycho-social support to learners who need our help.
I’m currently overseeing several programs (also in Eastern Cape) & these tasks have helped me expand my knowledge & build confidence in my abilities .The valuable skills I’ve gained from working at Iliso has given me the work experience I need to start my own organization in future.
Perseverance & resilience has been the key & I’m eager to learn new things every day.
The Strongest Story Course encouraged me to believe in my strengths & embrace my story. It helped me pursue my goals with more confidence, knowing that whilst my past (with its ups & downs) may have shaped me, it does not define me nor does it dictate my future.

I’m excited for what lies ahead & to continue living my strongest story!"

Meisha Lucht - "The largest heart of love"

"Years ago I sold my business to be a stay at home mom.
Since then I have had beautiful highs and frustrating lows coming to grips with who I am and what should I be doing.

There was such a ‘Wow!’ moment for me in the Strongest Story course and I have been bubbling over ever since with a fresh perspective and enthusiasm for my life.

As Jacqui and Debs helped us equip with tools to discover our strengths, passions and purpose, it hit me that there is an overarching theme in my life:
'I am good at - and love - connecting, loving and motivating people.'🙌🏼💞

This totally energises and excites me!

The other thing that I realized is that it’s totally okay, and even wonderful, if this plays out in different shapes and forms.

I feel thrilled that I can be generous with my life - whether its starting a neighbourhood running group, creating the kind of home where all the kids love to come and play after school, or giving people a foot soak and massage on my patio because they need an ear and some TLC.
Part of this bigger picture for my life, is that just this week I’ve decided to start a business that is just two mornings a week.
I’m so excited for this new adventure!

Thank you Jacqs and Debs – I love being part of the Strongest Story community and can’t wait to learn more through it."

Margi Shackle - "A woman truly supporting women"


"Back in the day we didn’t talk about “that time of the month” - note I couldn’t even type the P word. As a result there was such fear around the whole topic. Funniest part is I am the daughter of a Gynaecologist.

I remember watching a documentary about girls who could not go to school during “that time of the month”. It saddened me greatly. I thought coupled with the fear, plus not having the basic necessities, it was not right.
It was then that Pad Purses came into being.

I had the basic idea of what I wanted to do, but thanks to Strongest Story I was able to fine tune my story.
Taking my passion for needlecraft and incorporating my strength of creative thinking to meet the needs of young girls.
I was on my way to pinpoint my purpose and it felt so exciting! 😊

I set about sewing purses for young girls to put their pads in. The purse is wrapped up with a pack of pads, but just as important there is a Bible verse inside to remind them they are made beautifully by God.

I happily sew away, waiting for prompting as to which school, girls camp or organisation needs to be blessed - and in the process I myself feel totally blessed too!" 🙌

Karen Levett - "Living LOVE & Kindness"

"To all you amazing, strong, brave women, I salute you!
Strength & resilience is not something we are born with, it is something we grow and learn – that’s if we are open to accept its hard lessons.

I learnt this on the Strongest Story Course & then I lived it with the illness of my daughter.
For many years my daughter has been battling CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).
This journey, along with the bravest of teachers, my daughter, has taught me much of what living a strong story really looks like.

Our journey through illness, has been hard, relentless & all encompassing. But my brave girl has opened my eyes to so many life lessons.

The lessons come thick & fast, but everyday I’m reminded to live in faith & not fear.

Watching my daughter, I am struck by how strong she is in her faith, how much God means to her & she to Him. She teaches me to live life to the full & to appreciate the small things.

I now realize how each moment of our crazy, rushed life is of huge importance.

One minute the weight is unbearable & it feels like it will break us & the next I can feel how it is making us stronger.

How, as a mother, can I cry so deep, dig so deep & yet still have faith so deep?
I know that God is in control of my daughter’s health & I choose to live in his love and faith & not in my own strength.

The Strongest Story Course reminds me that we needn’t be scared of the challenges & curve balls that life throws at us, for very often it’s from these hardships that our story becomes stronger, more robust & even more beautiful!

The course also taught me to take care of me. I’m not always good at this & it’s a constant battle, but I’ve realized that I can’t give to anyone else from a place of emptiness. I need to first full my own cup & then, from this place of fullness, I am able to meet the needs of those around me."

Michele Bakker - "Fabulous at 50 & full of fun!"

I’m feeling fabulously fab in my 50th year! 😝🙌🏻

So many things in my life keep me feeling energized and encouraged. I have such a passion for my work life – trust me, there’s never a dull moment working and living with 76 teenage girls!

Nine years ago I was offered the job to help run a hostel boarding house at a high school. I jumped at the opportunity and have totally loved the rollercoaster ride – and challenge - of meeting the needs of the teenagers I work with.
Yes, they keep me on my toes for sure😜, but I relish the time I have with the teenagers - listening and engaging with them, trying to understand the complexity of their world and all the time doing my very best to simply love them, accept them and encourage them.

Doing the Strongest Story course helped me in so many areas of my life. I feel more confident in myself and my ability to accept my own story and the story of those around me – no matter how different they might be from my own.

I love how the course made me recognize my strengths and really play to them in my daily life.

At 50 I’m finally understanding that it’s okay not to have it all together, every minute of every day and it’s okay not to know all the answers or do everything perfectly all the time.

I do my best to live out a balanced life and hold strong to my Christian values. My hope is that as a house mom, I can inspire the teens to truly believe in their worth and be confident in who they are!

I’ve been single for most of my life, but 3 years ago I met an ordinary man who turned out to be an extraordinary man! Barbara Streisand’s lyrics in her song have rung true with me…“I finally found someone that knocks me off my feet.” Kev makes my happiness his priority, and makes me feel like I am more than enough and oh this is a wonderful feeling!

On a final note…I believe in GOD, LOVE and EXERCISE. I love joy, laughter and positivity and I totally claim Psalm 91 – “God is our fortress and our refuge!” ✝️

Linda Grant - "Real, relatable & totally remarkable".

Chantale Rissik (2).png

“Twenty odd years ago after our third child was born – I made the choice to quit my career & be a fulltime Mum.

Whilst no choices come without sacrifices & struggles, I felt I needed to to invest in ‘figuring out how to live full of grace, full of joy before our kids had flown the coop and my mothering days had folded up quiet’. (to paraphrase Ann Voskamp)

I know at times I’ve failed horribly, but I’m thankful for this ‘family-filled chapter’ in my story & the joy that ‘children companionship’ has given to me.

Amongst other things, I’ve involved myself in a small way in the multifaceted ministry of African Enterprise & of various prayer groups & community projects. This has blessed me & also ensured that I’m always connected to something bigger than myself – in my case, my greatest friend, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I’ve also enjoyed growing a simple garden, creating a home, making family & more recently, doing the Strongest Story course!

This year with our youngest starting University far from home, I knew that a new season in my life had dawned. It was time to reflect intentionally on my story. The course provided just that opportunity.

Firstly, it was so affirming, but it also challenged me to be braver & to move out of my comfort zone. A seemingly trite example has been to fly more often with my husband, which, in a small plane, I find terrifying! Accompanying him is good for us both and is helping me take greater ownership and engage more fully in this new, somewhat ‘empty-nest’, life-chapter.

I have also recognised afresh the beauty & appeal of a confident woman at peace with herself.

Ensuring we’re on track with God’s unique plan for our lives in each different season is powerfully, yet subtly & sensitively outlined in the course.
This, and so much more, including meeting a great bunch of down to earth, wonderfully warm women of all ages, made every component of this inspirational course - creatively & meticulously designed by two hugely capable, compassionate & caring women in Debs and Jacqs – totally worthwhile!”

Jeanine Lawlor “Passionately Purposeful and an Energising Encourager”

“There is so much more to each woman than her outward appearance.

As far back as I can remember people have fascinated me and I have been drawn to seeing the best in them.
I think this love for people and their potential is what led me into the teaching arena. When I’m interacting with children in the classroom, teachers in the staffroom or even moms in the carpark, I see how their soul shines through their eyes, and I often find myself seeing beyond the bravado and into the hurt and insecurities. I hear the words that are not spoken and I start to feel what they feel too. This is something that has always come naturally to me.

I have become more aware of my gifts and have learnt how to mobilise them through the STRONGEST STORY course - which has been deeply moving in my life. I found the “Playing to your Strengths” section in the course particularly helpful. I was empowered to use my unique strengths so that I can bring the greatest value to others; to encourage women to live their best lives, to love themselves and to care for others. I want to take the time to gently listen to that woman who is going through a tough time and to make sure she knows that she is seen, heard and loved. This brings me great joy and a deep satisfaction within me. And what’s great is that I can do this wherever I find myself in life! I don’t need to be on centre stage or hold a prominent position. It starts by noticing the small details in car park conversations, taking time to listen over a cup of coffee or a gentle touch on the arm of someone who looks like they need it. (Although I prefer a hug🤗)

I have learnt that one little seed of encouragement that I can pass onto someone is sure to find its way to the next person and the next. This ripple effect is what moves us from the ordinary to the extraordinary!

Judith Leclercq “Powerfully Positive and Utterly Dependable”

“I work for the United Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland, and besides being a very proud South African, I am also a strong advocate against GBV.

I aspire to have an impact on the lives of those around me and I have done many self-development courses in the past few years to help me figure out my purpose, yet I wasn’t quite sure how to do it, until I had the privilege to attend a workshop with STRONGEST STORY all the way from Switzerland. I am grateful to STRONGEST STORY for not only helping me identify my strengths but also helping me embrace my own story, that I can own and be proud of; and that confidence is not being boastful, conceited, or pretentious but it’s about being authentic.

Since then, I have been able to use my strengths to meet needs around me and a few short months ago, I got to do just that, when a single-parent cousin of mine experienced a very painful incident with her teenage son, that brought me to a conclusion that we all have a role to play in helping our youngsters become better versions of themselves, and I remembered the famous African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child”.

I decided to reach out to an NPO, called “Boys to Men” based in Cape Town, who is dedicated to mentoring adolescent boys for their holistic emotional health and personal growth for help and guidance. This story, that initially started off very sad, grey and without much hope, turned out to be a good story of a young boy who not only felt supported and loved, but felt hope that there are people out there who care. “He is a changed young man” in his mother’s own words, after attending a weekend away with @boystomen_capetown . I am very happy that I could be a part of his journey of becoming a better version of himself. I am currently involved and committed to become an active sponsor of “Boys to Men”, fulfilling my purpose to continue inspiring young people to be the best versions of themselves, irrespective of their circumstances.”

Elca Grobler "Warrior for Women"


Angel on Earth | Woman of India | Creator of Choices

Elca has a background in finance and investment banking. She holds a CFA and MBA. She has always had a heart for the plight of women and children and whilst completing her MBA in Sydney in 2006 she realised that she would never be able to go back to a ‘normal’ corporate job.

In 2011 Elca Grobler and her husband, Roger, took a leap of faith and moved to India with their three young children. Soon after, My Choices Foundation was born and there was no looking back. My Choices Foundation, a Hyderabad based NGO, aims to give women and girls the choice to live lives free from violence, abuse and exploitation. One-third of all women in India have experienced domestic violence, 70% of all slaves globally are women, 90% of these are forced into sexual slavery and a staggering 40% of these are children.

Through Operation PeaceMaker, they have reached over 78,400 women with rights-education and impacted over 8,800 families with counselling and legal assistance.

Operation Red Alert has reached more than 2,388,000 people with anti-trafficking awareness, education, and training in over 4,200 villages across India. My Choices Foundation is committed to using the most innovative methods to end domestic violence and prevent sex trafficking in India.

Elca volunteers all her time and energy to My Choices Foundation and is also one of the primary funders.

“We aim to see the transformation of India into a safe, peaceful, and encouraging place for women and girls by empowering women and girls with the awareness, education, and support they need to become their own change agents.” – Elca Grobler

Connect with Elca & My Choices Foundation on Social Media:

@mychoicesfoundation on Instagram




ELCA speaks to Strongest Story on navigating through grief, walking through the fire & why ‘uncomfortable’ is necessary…

In the work that I do, the stories of the women that we meet are some of the most heartbreaking stories that you will ever hear. The stories of violence, abuse and the horrendous injustice that these women and girls face is harrowing. Their stories will cause the bones in your body to ache. Our human minds & souls were not created to deal with so much pain and sorrow and the evil darkness that this world holds. It produces true grief in one's soul. 

It is in this sorrow that lies one of the greatest challenges that I have had to learn to navigate. Navigating the sorrow and realising that although you feel the sorrow, the pain and the immense GRIEF, this is not a sign of weakness or failure or of not overcoming, but a sign of true strength. The grief spurs an opportunity for growth and has strengthened me to build resilience.

The reality is also that there are some things you can only hear and feel when you get up close. Feeling this grief, and doing the work that we do, cannot be done from afar; you have to face the realities and the challenges that these women and girls face, you have to hear their stories to fight these adversities. So it is imminent that you will be incredibly uncomfortable. We have to  be able and willing to do uncomfortable things and it is only then that the world changes.

 “Half of the world’s population is being slowly killed off by the other half. How did we get to the point in our modern society where almost half of Indian women face domestic violence? In 2017, we still have close to 50 per cent of the girls in India who marry, marry as children. How did we get to the point where 50 million girls in India are missing? Killed as infants or fetuses. Why aren’t we, in 2017, at a point where we can break the cycle of violence against women?” - Elca Grobler

The above were words spoken in 2017 and although much has changed, the reality still exists and persists. In the face of the above, many have asked and wondered  how I and my entire team overcome and build resilience when the problem seems so mammoth and nearly impossible?

Most of our overcoming and building true resilience is driven by the example of the women girls we serve everyday that are overcoming, despite everything stacked against them. 

Some of these women are:  

-The women in the communities themselves who will pull together and not give up. The women that face challenges that we will never comprehend and that are beaten and harmed by their partners and that still stand up to fight another day for their children. 

-The guardian girls that phone on our Anti Trafficking National Helpline on behalf of a friend who is being forced into marriage, trying to save her.

-The Matron of our Safe Home. She was severely beaten by her husband and arrived at our sage home  with the clothes on her and her 2 daughters. She has overcome and has been a true source of courage.

I love the quote that so perfectly illustrates how we feel about these nearly impossible situations: Everything is possible, the impossible just takes longer. We are constantly driven by what could be and should be:

A world without Gender based violence.

There is no finish line to cross, no perfect ending and  no place of comfort. It is a race we are all in together and will have to travel on this journey hand in hand, men and women alongside each other, experiencing grief and using the grief to alleviate us to a place of strength - and out of this strength we build true resilience! 

Ignorance will not help us create a world without Gender Based Violence. Ignorance only protects one group of people, the other group is the ones that are suffering, grieving, hurting, exploited - there is no more a time where anyone can claim ignorance on the war that is waged against women globally where 1/3 women have been harassed or sexually assaulted in her lifetime. Or where girls aged 12 are being trafficked for sexual slavery, beaten and raped up to 30 times per day. 

Silence is the same as being complicit.

At My Choices Foundation - we know that we have to walk through the fire everyday without smelling like smoke when we come out on the other side. Although we will be uncomfortable and experience grief, we still have safe homes to go to. Most women and girls do not have that choice. 

- Maya Angelou’s words speak so perfectly to the journey that we are on. “Thus we live through a major war. The question is, can we make it through minor peace. Together, we may be able to plan a less painful future. Separate, we can only anticipate further ruptures and deeper divide and loneliness..” We will not win this war by killing that which we hate, only by protecting that which we love. We have to function out of a place of love!

It is the courage of the women that we meet daily, the incredible strength of my team that work so tirelessly to fight these injustices that have stirred courage and resistance in the midst of enormous heartache. 

I will again reiterate the words of a true mentor, Bryan Stevenson of the equal justice Initiative. "We have to be willing to do uncomfortable things, to do inconvenient things—that's when the world changes.” In this uncomfortableness we will face sorrow, but out of this sorrow a new strength is born and courage to persist!

A Personal Message from Strongest Story:

It is said that dynamite comes in small packages; Elca Grobler is most certainly testament to this truth. When I first met Elca, petite and blonde with eyes that sparkle with fountains of love, I remember thinking that she could have chosen any high-powered, high-paying career in finance, yet she chose a life striving to help the most downtrodden and desperate of women in every part of India.

When I reflect on my time with Elca in Hyderabad (a city in central India), it is with such a mixture of emotion. I loved every minute spent with her, but as I listened to her passionately explain the work of My Choices Foundation, I also felt sick to my core, and even moved to tears, as she related the horrific stories of what so many young women endure. Having lived on and off in India for over three years, I thought I knew a lot about this country I had come to love so dearly, but I realised I had no idea of the extent of its dark world of domestic violence and sex-trafficking.  Once every 3 minutes in India a girl is sex-trafficked, the average age being as young as 12 years old; and once trafficked, these girls can be raped up to 30 times a day!

My heart welled up with such a deep anger and sadness.

Elca took me, and my friend Heidi, around her offices and some of their Safe Houses. Here we met and talked with some of the incredible local women of the community who form Elca’s army of what she calls, ‘Peacemakers’ and ‘Dragon-Slayers’. We were blown away by the work My Choices is doing - from grassroots level in rural villages right up to huge countrywide campaigns and even helping build India’s first national help-line focussed on sex-trafficking.

Elca is a true warrior. Regardless of recognition and reward she’s totally dedicated to fight the battle to which God has called her. Her bravery and strength is remarkable yet her heart remains soft as an angel – surrounded by suffering, her eyes still often well with tears when she speaks. Elca, Strongest Story humbly salutes you for your courage and obedience to The Call. We stand side by side and arm in arm with you in this battle - our war cry is one with yours! 

Prof. Kgethi Phakeng “Making Education Fashionable”


UCT Vice-Chancellor | Professor of Mathematics | Fab Academic

Prof. Mamokgethi Setati Phakeng is a South African professor of mathematics education and among her long list of impressive accolades, her illustrious career as an internationally recognised researcher and educationist is marked by many firsts. She is the first black woman to earn her PhD in mathematics education in 2002, and led the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa as its first woman national president from 2002 to 2006.

She may have been the first, but she was surely going to make sure she was not the last black woman to earn her PhD in Mathematics and so in 2004, Mamokgethi founded the non-profit organization Adopt-A-Learner; created for the purpose of providing financial support to deserving lower-income learners. This initiative recognises excellence in mathematics and science by awarding annual scholarships to exceptional students from underprivileged backgrounds.

In 2008 she became the first black South African researcher to be appointed to co-chair a study commissioned by the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction called “mathematics and language diversity” and was elected as the first woman president of the Convocation of Wits University from 2011 to 2016. She has also been the vice principal of Research and Innovation at UNISA and acting executive dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology at UNISA.

In 2018 Mamokgethi became the second of only two black women to take on the position of Vice-Chancellor at Africa’s number one ranked tertiary institution, the University of Cape Town.

She is a highly regarded B1 NRF-rated scientist with over 80 research papers and five edited volumes published; and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Bristol for her contributions to science. She has been a visiting professor in universities all over the world, a keynote speaker at more than 40 plenary sessions at international conferences and guest speaker at the International Congresses of Mathematicians.

Mamokgethi’s accolades are extensive. She has won numerous notable awards for her research and community work including, amongst others, the NSTF award for being the most outstanding Senior Black Female Researcher in recognition of her innovative, quality research on teaching and learning mathematics in multilingual classrooms in May 2011. In August 2014, CEO Magazine named her the most influential woman academic in Africa and In April 2016, the Order of the Baobab (Silver) was conferred on her by the President of South Africa for her excellent contribution in the field of science and representing South Africa on the international stage through her outstanding research work. In August2016 she was awarded the prestigious Businesswoman of the Year Award in the education category.

Her commitment to spearhead transformation in academic spaces, and innovate mathematics teaching models, is seen in her impactful community work; most recently with the launch of the Mamokgethi Phakeng Scholarship awarded to UCT postgraduate students. This is a fully funded opportunity specifically made to empower black women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

“If you ever have the opportunity to start at the bottom, don’t look down on it. Starting at the bottom makes you hungry and determined, it builds character. It is the best way to learn.” - Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng

“Life is going to be challenging, unfair and difficult. Whatever happens, make sure you never ever give up.” - Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng

“Be who you are, don’t take nonsense, work hard, don’t apologize for being fabulous and stay the course!” - Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng

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Prof Kgethi Phakeng speaks to Strongest Story on ‘leaning in’, using life’s challenges as launching pads & knowing that God is bigger…

“The best way to do life is to take everything that comes at you, as being meant for you. Don’t just tolerate it; lean in and take it as an opportunity, take it as a launching pad for your next step . Use every challenge that comes at you. Some will be unfair, some will be fair. Embrace it, learn from it, grow from it, see it as meant for your good. 

You have your own story - If you stop every time you get pushed back, you will lose focus. Keep the focus on what needs to be done – keep doing your job and get your work done! 

Don’t try to fight the challenges because you will end up depleting your energy for the good thigs that God wants you to do. Trust God – there is a reason why you are going through what you are going through. Believe in what God has in store for you, because it is much bigger than the challenge.

It is the same with Covid-19 and how it is affecting the 2020 Matric class. I know it’s hard to study during this time of crisis, however, I want you to focus on the opportunity that comes with this crisis. You, the class of 2020, are learning online and developing skills that many university students still struggle with: time management, self discipline and learning to be focused on your studies despite the temptation to just blame the situation or other people for things that you are not able to do. It’s your year of growth!”

A personal message from Strongest Story:

Popularly known as “Kgethi” to her peers, "Deputy Mother" to her students, and “Fab Academic” to her followers; I still can’t bring myself to be that familiar. So, out of respect, I endearingly refer to Prof. Phakeng as “Madame VC”.  

 In January last year, I sat in UCT’s Sarah Baartman hall along with hundreds of new parents, all of whom were captivated by the eloquent flair of our bright and brilliant Vice Chancellor. Dressed in vibrant colours, she looked nothing like a stereotypical professor! Her no-holds-barred approach to diligent hard work and perseverance, her decisiveness and candid authenticity impressed me beyond measure; and I knew our first born son was going to be in very good hands for the duration of his University career.

After the formalities ,we all spilled out of the hall onto the Jammies steps and to our surprise we found Prof.Phakeng happily engaging with the new parents. We couldn’t stop ourselves from going over to meet and thank her personally, and of course ask for a “selfie”! She was disarmingly winsome with the loveliest sense of intelligent humour. She was even willing, when asked by my husband, to share with us the story behind the words “forgive” and “believe” tattooed on her arms:  "I got the tattoos at a time when everything was going well in my life. I was nailing things and I thought: 'It's easy to forget that I'm just a sinner who has been forgiven.' I got the tattoos to remind myself that there's nothing special about me. I'm just another person who works hard. I have been granted grace and favour - and all I have to do is believe."

I was speechless. Both Michael and I walked away from this encounter feeling on top of the world. Prof Phakeng had a magical effect; making things better just by being around her!

Strongest Story thanks you Madame VC for being for emboldening women to be the hero of their destined story and for doing the impossible: making maths cool!

Gabi Lowe “Crusader for Organ Donation”


Author | Medical Activist | Life Coach

Gabi graduated from UCT with a BA in 1984. Following her studies, she travelled for two years before joining SA’s leading woman’s magazine, Fair Lady, as PR and Promotions Editor. After 5 years in media, Gabi moved to leading South African retailer, Woolworths, where she worked for 7 years, later taking up the position of Marketing Manager. In 1997, following the birth of her second child, Gabi launched Upfront Marketing, a successful Media and Marketing Consultancy which delivered top-notch bespoke media and marketing services to many blue chip South African brands for 17 years.

In 2011, at the age of 16, her eldest daughter Jenna was diagnosed with a life-threatening, rare disease and Gabi was thrown into the difficult landscape of Pulmonary Hypertension. Following the tragic loss of Jenna in 2015, Gabi became the founder and Director of a Public Benefit Organisation, The Jenna Lowe Trust. Gabi continues Jenna’s work and legacy for patients who otherwise have no access to the medication and expertise they need.

She launched her debut memoir “Get Me To 21” on 1 August 2019. The book reveals the extraordinary journey the Lowe family embarked on to save Jenna. It is the real story of their courageous battle and reveals the tireless campaign to raise social and media awareness for Pulmonary Hypertension, Organ Donation and Transplantation in South Africa. Their activism became a fight not only for Jenna’s needs, but for all South Africans. Organ donor registration increased by 287%, through Jenna's #GetMeTo21 campaign. The remarkable journey precipitated a meaningful change in direction for Gabi which led to her becoming a professionally qualified integral Life and Leadership Coach. Gabi has become a sought-after Executive Life and Business Coach who runs successful workshops on Authentic Emotional resilience. She is well known for the rare set of interpersonal skills that she brings to her coaching - a depth of life experience, compassion, courage, passion and insight that offers clients a unique and powerful road map on their journey of self-development, personal resilience and conscious leadership allowing them to lead an enriching and full life.

“The reality is that we don’t get to protect each other from suffering. Life will come at you and your loved ones in so many different ways no matter what you do. You don’t get to control it. What you can do is teach them how to deal with it, how to cope, how to live a life that matters in spite of pain and loss.” – Gabi Lowe

Purchase your copy of Get Me to 21

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GABI speaks to Strongest Story on learning about life from Jenna, living courageously and simply telling the story - the brutal truth in all it’s terrible beauty…

“There was always hope our daughter would leave hospital alive – that she’d return home with the brand new lungs she’d fought so hard for and start a life free of suffering, but Jenna never made it out of hospital. She passed away just four months shy of her 21st birthday – a tragedy made all the more poignant as she’d captured hearts across the country with her #GetMeTo21 campaign.

While Jenna’s journey may be familiar to many, what you know is just the tip of the iceberg. The book goes into brutal detail of what Jenna and our family went through. This is the whole story, warts and all. I’ve been very honest and that felt important to me, because there’s so much to be learnt from what we went through. The book describes the 187 grueling days leading up to Jenna’s death and how our family scrambled to get her to Johannesburg from our home in Cape Town after the donor was found, and up to the moment she took her last breath.

Reliving Jenna’s traumatic illness was tough. I cried; I shook. Sometimes I had to vomit. It really was like processing the trauma.

Recounting the days when Jen was in and out of ICU and theatre after the transplant, was hectic. It’s insane what she went through. When I say it was dramatic, I’m not being dramatic at all. But this heartache hasn’t stopped our family from promoting organ donation.

I think I’ve made it very clear in the book that regardless of how much Jenna suffered, I’m still a big advocate of organ donation and of transplants. Many people have had very successful transplants.

It’s been really hard since we lost Jenna. The pain of losing a child is indescribable. We’ve worked very hard to be functional. We communicate a lot. We’ve all done therapy, meditation, yoga, talking, and everything we can possibly do. I think after everything we’ve been through, our barometer for what’s normal is different to everyone else’s. We’ve had to develop resilience in a big way.”

“Western society, school, our parents don’t equip us to deal with real life. We fear death. We fear illness and we fear, really fear, disability. It felt as if every mother was looking at me and thinking “Thank God that’s not my child.” Well, you know what? Thank God she was mine. It was an absolute privilege to be the mother of this incredible young human being. I lay in bed wondering where, in the myriad of parenting books I had read, did they tell you that you cannot take your children’s pain away? Where did you learn that? And why not? What was the point of loving so deeply if you couldn’t protect them? It felt so unfair and cruel. The layers of pain, complexity and challenge that my children had to bear. All I could do was bear it with them. I also thought about what it might feel like for my mother, for her as a parent to watch what I was going through, to witness my extreme pain. The reality is that we don’t get to protect each other from suffering. Life will come at you and your loved ones in so many different ways no matter what you do. You don’t get to control it. What you can do is teach them how to deal with it, how to cope, how to live a life that matters in spite of pain and loss.”

A personal message from Strongest Story: 

I have heard Gabi speak to many large and small audiences; and each time it tugs at my mothering heart strings to imagine the epic battle that Gabi fought alongside her daughter Jenna. To watch Gabi draw on her deep personal experiences, shows how psychological and emotional resilience are the vital, yet sometimes elusive, ingredients that, despite all odds, make the difference between surviving and thriving. Audiences are left inspired, moved, profoundly changed and better equipped to find meaning in their lives and to cope with whatever life throws their way. Gabi , your storytelling is engaging and riveting, and you bring an authentic depth of compassion, courage and insight. Strongest Story thanks you for sharing Jenna with us all and for teaching us by example; how to thrive in the face of all kinds of adversity. 

Trisha Chetty "Sporting Champion"

Website Trisha.png

South African Cricketer | Motivator of Women|



A wicketkeeper-batter, Trisha Chetty has been a core member of the South African Women's side since 2007. She has played 105 ODIs scoring 2491 runs. Keeping wicket, she has taken 108 catches and performed 45 stumpings. Trisha holds the record for the highest dismissals by a wicketkeeper in Women’s ODIs. Along with Shandre Fritz, Trisha set the record for the highest-ever opening partnership of 170 runs in the history of Women’s T20 International cricket.

Growing up in KwaZulu Natal, Trisha first started playing cricket at the age of 7 with her uncles in the backyard. She laughs and says, “I think in the backyard is where most cricketers begin their careers. I never imagined I would ever play for the SA women’s team. Back then cricket was about fun with family and friends – but that was definitely when I first fell in love with the game!”

Aggressive with the bat and pretty athletic on the field, her batting saw big strides of growth. She spent her early years predominantly at batting at numbers seven and eight, but later was promoted up the order, even ending up opening at times. Over the years she have captained her provincial squad (KZN and Gauteng) and in the early years of her career Trisha was vice captain of South Africa. One of her biggest achievements was receiving Cricket South Africa Women's cricketer of year in 2009.

Trisha Chetty on Instagram

TRISHA speaks to Strongest Story on patience, perseverance and turning setbacks into setups…

“There are so many challenges to being a professional female athlete. Nothing comes easy. Trying to build a career in a male-dominated sport has been tough. When I started playing for South Africa, the women's team was not nearly as well recognized as the men’s. Back then we weren’t even contracted. Facing these gender gaps and inequalities has been a huge challenge, but at the same time, being part of the growth in women's cricket has been a real privilege. It’s grown me as a woman in society and shown me how patience, determination and perseverance always pays off. I’m pleased to say the gap is slowly beginning to close.

But perhaps bigger than this; has been some of my own personal challenges I’ve had to overcome, one being the struggle I’ve had with some major injuries (one even requiring surgery). Most recently this was a lower back injury that was not only physically debilitating, but set me back mentally too. As a cricketer you are active 90% of your day - either training for tours or just trying to keep fit, so sitting around waiting for your body to heal can be hugely frustrating.

Disappointment also comes with it and after months of rehab I eventually made my way back into the National team. I was selected for the tour to the West Indies, but unfortunately, my back didn’t handle the exertion and I sent home. I was gutted. At that stage I questioned my career a lot, should I retire or work harder to get fit and back into the team? Inside I knew I still had a lot to offer but sitting at home watching the girls play tournament after tournaments on TV would break me!  

Eventually I made the decision that I wasn’t going to be defeated. Determined to pick myself up again, and with the help of my family, friends, physios and fitness trainer, I was able to slowly rebuild my confidence. I just had take it one step at a time, be patient and trust the process.

So, what has all this taught me?  I think I’ve learnt that there are no short cuts. Nothing of any significance comes easily. When we have the determination to work hard, the courage to face our challenges head on and the self-belief to know we can do it, we discover qualities in ourselves that we would otherwise not have known! I believe things happen for a reason so we need to make the most of setbacks in our lives. In the end, setbacks are all they are and if we choose to overcome them, we can even turn them into set ups. In the end, what lies ahead of us and what lies behind us is nothing compared to what lies within us!”

A personal message from Strongest Story:

Being married to a South African Protea player and coach, I have seen first hand how things roll out for a professional men’s sporting team. Budgets are in place for pretty much everything a team might need and with a large support staff, touring runs smoothly and is more than comfortable. Players are paid well, they’re kitted out with the best of brands and equipment, sponsorships are plentiful and tournament opportunities are endless. With such huge exposure, individual players are equally fortunate to be showered with personal sponsorships, branded clothing and an array of ‘off-the-field’ opportunities that often make a hard journey to success just that much easier.

Knowing all this, I was fascinated to get a glimpse into Trisha’s life and the set up of the National women’s team. In a male dominated space, it’s obvious that nothing come easy. Trisha’s story is one of tenacity and sheer grit and I was so impressed to see how, despite both the personal and professional challenges she’s faced, she’s found a way to look at her obstacles from a different perspective and has never been defeated by them. Have they knocked her down? Yes. Did she find a way to get up again? Yes!

Trisha, Strongest Story commends you for your determination to never give up. You’ve found a way to turn every setback into an opportunity for growth and this makes your story a strong one. We’re so excited to watch you grow from strength to strength and you can be sure we’ll be cheering you on!